光阴似箭 ,日月如梭 ,我在老伴结婚不觉已经接近 60年了。老伴成春荣 ,中共党员 ,离休前是省林业厅机关党委副书记 ,山西晋城市巴公镇人 ,是革命后代。她父亲在大革命 192 4年前上太原中学时参加了中国共产党搞学生运动 ,大革命失败后白色恐怖因身份暴露被捕入狱 ,在狱中受尽各
Time flies, the sun and the moon flies, my wife marred for almost 60 years. His wife Cheng Chunrong, member of the Communist Party of China, before the retired Provincial Forestry Department is the party secretary, Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, Pakistani people, is a revolutionary offspring. Her father participated in the student movement when the CPC Central Committee held Taiyuan High School in 192 4 years ago. After the failure of the Great Revolution, white terrorists were arrested and imprisoned for identity exposures,