马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》(又称《巴黎手稿》)中的实践概念 ,事实上已经成了国内外学界解读马克思哲学本质的一个基础性概念 ,不少学者由此而构建起了对马克思哲学的人本主义解读范式。本文指出 ,此时的马克思尽管试图运用实践概念来颠覆资产阶级的市民实践观念 ,但他实际上尚未理解后者由此产生的现实社会关系基础 ,也并没有从这种历史性的社会关系出发来建构对后者的批判 ,因此 ,他此时的“实践”充其量不过是一个“后市民”意义上的概念 ,真正的马克思哲学并不是建构在这样的实践概念之上的。由此 ,本文还对马克思独特的哲学言说方式进行了阐述。
The concept of practice in Marx’s Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (also known as “Paris manuscript”) has in fact become a basic concept for the interpretation of the essence of Marxist philosophy by scholars in the world and many scholars have built up a The Humanistic Interpretation Paradigm of Marxist Philosophy. This article points out that at this time, Marx tried to subvert the concept of bourgeois citizenship practice by using the concept of practice. However, he did not actually understand the basis of the actual social relations that the latter created and did not proceed from this historic social relationship Therefore, his “practice” at this time is at best a concept in the sense of “post-citizen”. The true Marxist philosophy is not based on such a concept of practice. Therefore, this article also elaborates on Marx’s unique philosophical speech.