
来源 :国外医学.临床生物化学与检验学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:w0wchenhui
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本文介绍一种以四甲基联苯胺(TMB)为基质的快速、简便和敏感的ELISA。因受光学测定系统的限制,ELISA 的吸光度值通常是测定低物的最大吸收峰值,从而本法的检测范围较放射免疫测定法狭窄。以TMB 作为供氢体用于ELISA 比色测定,其敏感性、精确性和无致癌作用均优于邻苯二胺(OPD)和2,2′-联氮基-双〔3-乙基-苯噻唑啉磺酸 This article describes a rapid, simple and sensitive ELISA using tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) as a substrate. Due to the limitation of the optical measurement system, the absorbance value of ELISA is usually the maximum absorption peak value of the low substance. Therefore, the detection range of this method is narrower than that of radioimmunoassay. TMB as a hydrogen donor for ELISA colorimetric assay, its sensitivity, accuracy and non-carcinogenic effects are better than o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and 2,2’-azino-bis [3-ethyl- Benzthiazoline sulfonic acid
患者 女,46岁.因双侧鼻塞4年,当地医院就诊发现鼻咽肿物,鼻黏膜表面麻醉下取病理提示为软骨瘤,于2004年9月10日来我院.查体:鼻咽部堵满淡红色肿物,累及双侧鼻腔,鼻中隔受压变形,肿物表面不平,触之不易出血,硬腭受压塌陷.血、尿、便常规检查未见异常.