目的 :了解娱乐性ATS使用者的人口学特征 ,使用方式及其他有关问题。方法 :采用病例发现法和易接近对象晤谈法 ,并结合滚雪球的方法 ,以问卷方式收集娱乐性ATS使用者的有关资料。结果 :娱乐性ATS使用者平均年龄 2 3 97± 4 95岁。未婚占 6 4 4 % ,同居占 1 5 3% ,离婚占 8 5%。高中及以上文化者占 84 7%。职业以服务员、个体商人和性工作者居多。摇头丸是最主要的滥用药物。约 90 %的人使用次数少于 50次。口服是最主要的服用途径。平均每次服用剂量约为 2 50mg ,多在周末服用 ( 72 9% )。获得ATS的主要来源是从朋友和熟人处购买 ( 72 9% )。使用ATS的主要目的包括 :提高情绪使自己快乐 ,使自己压抑时感到舒服些 ,帮助放松 ,帮助解除抑制 (情绪、行为、思维 )等。娱乐性ATS使用者合并使用酒精 ,海洛因 ,苯二氮 艹卓 类 ,大麻 ,致幻剂的比例分别为 81 3% ,2 2 0 % ,1 1 9% ,1 0 2 % ,1 7%。 96 %的ATS使用者的主要社交人群中有人使用ATS。 4 5 8%和 33 8%的使用者有临时性伴侣和性交易史。结论 :娱乐性ATS使用者为一特殊人群 ,应针对其特殊性制定相应的干预措施。
Purpose: To understand the demographic characteristics, usage patterns, and other related issues of recreational ATS users. Methods: Case-finding methods and accessible object interview methods were used in conjunction with snowballing to collect information on recreational ATS users by questionnaire. Results: The average age of recreational ATS users was 2 3 97 ± 4 95 years. Unmarried accounted for 64.4%, cohabitation accounted for 153%, and divorce accounted for 85%. Eighty-seven percent of the people from high school and above are in the culture. Professionals are mostly waiters, individual traders and sex workers. Ecstasy is the main drug of abuse. About 90% use less than 50 times. Oral administration is the main route of administration. The average dose for each dose is about 2 50 mg, and it is mostly taken on weekends (72 9%). The main source of ATS obtained was from friends and acquaintances (72 9%). The main purposes of using ATS include: improving emotions to make yourself happy, making yourself feel more comfortable when depressed, helping to relax, and helping to suppress (emotions, behaviors, and thinking). The proportion of recreational ATS users who used alcohol, heroin, benzodiazepines, cannabis, and hallucinogens was 81.0%, 20%, 11.9%, 10.2%, and 17.7%, respectively. 96% of ATS users use ATS in their main social group. 4 5 8% and 33 8% of users have temporary sexual partners and sexual history. Conclusion: The recreational ATS users are a special population, and appropriate interventions should be formulated for their specificity.