法国大诗人艾吕雅(Paul Eluard,亦译艾吕霞或阿吕阿尔)于十一月十八日因病在巴黎近郊逝世了。这一个消息不但惊动了法国和全世界进步的文化界,而且惊动了全世界爱好和平的人士。因为艾吕雅不仅是个进步的文化工作者,而且是个坚持不懈的人民和平事业的战士。他的逝世确是和平力量的一个巨大损失。
The French poet Paul Eluard passed away on the outskirts of Paris on November 18 for sickness. This news not only aroused the progressive cultural community in France and the world but also touched peace-loving people in the world. Because Iluya is not only a progressive cultural worker but also a persistent and peaceful soldier of the people. His passing is indeed a huge loss to the forces of peace.