初中生化学问题解决中的元认知能力是构成学生化学问题解决能力的重要成分 ,对学生化学问题解决起着关键作用。本研究采用访谈和调查的方法对上述问题做了初步探讨。研究结果表明 :(1)初中生化学问题解决中元认知能力总体水平不高 ,其中监测性、调控性和评价性总体偏低。(2 )学优生、中等生和学困生在化学问题解决中的元认知能力差异非常显著。 (3)化学问题解决中元认知能力的高低是影响初中生化学学习成绩的因素之一。
Metacognition ability of junior high school students in solving chemical problems is an important component of students ’ability to solve chemical problems and plays a key role in solving students’ chemical problems. In this study, interviews and surveys were used to discuss the above problems. The results show that: (1) The overall level of metacognitive ability of junior high school students in solving chemical problems is not high, and the monitoring, regulation and evaluation are generally low. (2) The difference of metacognitive ability of students who study in elementary school, middle school and school-beggar students in chemistry problem is very significant. (3) The level of metacognitive ability in chemical problem solving is one of the factors that affect junior high school students’ chemistry achievement.