1927年8月1日,中国共产党在南昌打响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪,宣告开始领导人民创建自己的军队,进行革命战争。光辉的8月1日,成为人民军队建军的纪念日。叶剑英虽然没有直接参与南昌起义的组织指挥工作,但是,他以特殊的战斗方式策应南昌起义,同样功不可没。 一、人生贵有胸中竹 经得艰难考验时 1920年,叶剑英从云南讲武堂毕业后,开始追随孙中山从事民主
On August 1, 1927, the Chinese Communist Party started the first shot in Nanchang against armed Kuomintang reactionaries and announced that it would begin to lead the people in creating their own army and conducting revolutionary wars. On August 1, a glorious day marking the founding of the People’s Army. Although Ye Jianying did not directly participate in the organizational and command work of the Nanchang Uprising, he also contributed to the Nanchang Uprising in a special way of fighting. First, the life of your chest with a tough test of bamboo In 1920, Ye Jianying graduated from Lvwu, Yunnan, began to follow Sun Zhongshan engaged in democracy