近年来,随着我国玻璃钢制品生产和应用的发展,废弃玻璃钢对环境的污染问题越来越为人们所关注。在处理玻璃钢废料的各种方法中,用热分解方法回收其中的有机物质是一种有发展前途的方法。 从70年代开始,已经能够用间歇式热分解炉回收聚乙烯等热塑性塑料废料中的有机物质。对于玻璃钢废料,由于含有大量的玻璃纤维
In recent years, with the development of the production and application of FRP products in our country, more and more people are concerned about the environmental pollution caused by FRP. Among the various methods of treating FRP scrap, the thermal decomposition of organic materials is a promising method. Since the 1970s, it has been possible to recover organic materials from thermoplastic scrap such as polyethylene using a batch pyrolysis furnace. For FRP scrap, due to the large amount of glass fiber