乌鸟即乌鸦,在古代诗文中常被提及,这是一种富有情感色彩的鸟儿。 唐人韩琮《春愁》诗曰:“金乌长飞玉兔走,青鬓长青古无有。”传说日中有三足乌,月中有兔,故“金乌”与“玉兔”分别指代日月。此诗意为岁月飞逝,人生易老。由于乌是传说中的神鸟,所以古人把乌鸦当作吉祥与喜庆的符号。如白居易《答元郎中杨员外喜乌见寄》:“南宫鸳鸯地,何忽乌来止?故人锦帐郎,闻乌笑相视。”从这个意义上说,乌鸦与喜鹊属于同一类型的鸟。
Ostriches, or crows, are often mentioned in ancient poetry. This is an emotional bird. The Han dynasty of the Han dynasty, “Chun Qiu,” said: “The golden pheasants are flying and the rabbits are away. There are no ancient ancestors.” According to legend, there are three feet of Ukrainian in the middle of the day and rabbits in the middle of the month. Therefore, “Jinwu” and “Jade Rabbit” refer to the sun and the moon respectively. . This poetic means that time flies, and life is easy to grow old. Since Uz is a legendary bird, the ancients used the crow as a symbol of good luck and joy. For example, Bai Juyi’s “Yang Yuanlang Yang Zuowai Xiwu see and send”: “Nangong squatters, what Huhu Wulai only? The enemy Jincailang, Wenwu laugh together.” In this sense, crows and magpies belong to the same type of bird.