The protection and value sublimation of ancient architecture

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  (齊魯工业大学艺术学院,山东 济南 250000)
  【Abstract】: Chinese ancient architecture is an important part of historical relics in china,It is urgent to protect it properly。This paper mainly discusses the historical significance and practical significance of the protection of ancient buildings in china,With the changes of the times, it has been endowed with new cultural connotations。
  【Key words】: Chinese ancient architecture; protection; significance
  1.the premise of the protection of ancient buildings
  The essence of the urban landscape。A large number of ancient buildings enriched the city's environmental art,The single or group of incomplete ancient buildings,The environment needs to be a certain artistic processing and value sublimation design。
  The protection of ancient buildings must be carried out in-depth analysis of specific design objects,Profound understanding of the ancient architecture of the image of its own characterisIn a city with profound traditional culture,The ancient architecture is tics, structural characteristics and its requirements for the surrounding environment;The existence of ancient architecture is always in a certain area,It is also an important factor in environmental design to pay attention to the cultural circle。Different cultural circles should have different cultural attributes and landscape features。
  2. Reasons for the protection of ancient buildings
  As early as sixteenth Century or earlier,China and Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia and other countries have begun to pay attention to the preservation of monuments。After the rise of high-rise buildings, the living space of human beings began to move towards intensive, information intensive,At the same time, it also brings social problems such as environmental pollution, traffic congestion, traffic congestion and crime。The protection of ancient buildings is the inevitable outcome of the process of urban modernization。In the modern buildings,The memories of the nation, the history of climbing and overcoming the difficulties of the ladder, we need to inspire the national spirit reflected in the construction of the city。
  3.Protection of different types of ancient buildings
  In ancient buildings as the basis, for the development of city park, and the city site in remote areas difficult to save the Dan Zhuanggu building site into the park。So that the site itself has a better green environment, and can form a certain scale and cultural topics。   Single ancient architecture or sculpture sketch of a class of ancient cultural relics, the site around it and no other monuments can be built for Street Park, if possible, should be kept as much as possible and the related debris or relics, caused visitors more reverie, retain more historical information provide much material for thought。
  4.Protection of ancient buildings
  Generally speaking, the historical and cultural city and the general history of the ancient city, it is not appropriate to make a fundamental change in the historical pattern, which may destroy more historical information, but also the economy, often cause new problems。The correct method should be careful to protect its still applicable or adjusted can adapt to the needs of the modern city history pattern, historical core area on the principle of small range characteristic is strong to preserve the original appearance。
  The development of new urban areas, in principle, to leave the old city, during which there is a certain green isolation belt。The structure of the new city, and the old city must have a certain relationship, the plane should be able to reflect the graphic features of the ancient city and the logic of the beautiful patterns。Blind to widen the road, cut straight, inappropriate to open up new roads in the old city area, the historic city of the old city, is inappropriate。
  5.The sublimation of the value of ancient architecture
  The spatial characteristics of the historical and cultural city, the formation of city image features is many factors harmonized with the product。Urban characteristics are not static, it is also the same as the metabolism of the city itself, to meet the needs of people of different ages and different levels of aesthetic requirements。Therefore, the creation of the image of the city is characterized by a continuous development, continuous change of dynamic creation, each generation has its own beauty, have their own ideals。Historical and cultural city should be in this dynamic universal creation activities, the accumulation of more levels, different times of the people's aesthetic crystallization, for contemporary people to provide a more perfect, more ideal urban space。
(青岛科技大学,山东 青岛 266061)  如果想要成为一名合格的歌唱者,就必须能够出色的演唱各种不同风格的音乐作品,而拥有这样的歌唱水平最重要的就是有个宽广稳定的音域。而拓宽音域最重要的一点就是训练好高音区的发音。在对声乐作品的演唱中,高音部分是技术难点,更是需要重点关注重点攻关的重要课题。高音演唱并不是使出力气把音高喊上去的,它是发声、呼吸、共鸣等等多个部分相互结合并且正确的配合后产生的效果
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(聊城大学,山东 聊城 252000)  【摘要】:加强学生对视唱练耳的正确认识、端正学习态度、掌握学习方法是解决学生学好视唱练耳的关键。同时,将音乐情感的培养与视唱练耳的教学相联系,能够取到良好的效果,也更有利于提高学生的音乐综合能力。视唱练耳是音乐专业重要的教学内容与必修科目之一。但是这门课程的特点为积累时间长、出成绩效果慢,在实际学习中学生们很容易产生厌学和惰性等现象。加强对视唱练耳的正确认
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