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上世纪90年代以来,之所以对阿伦特的思想重新进行阐释成为一个新的学术热点,是因为冷战结束后,新自由主义和全球化经济带来日益恶化的相对贫困、宗教信仰和民族之间不断发生的冲突等现实政治新课题,刺激了人们重新研究、评价阿伦特的政治学说的欲望。此外,阿伦特热方兴未艾的另一个原因,在于其学说本身具有独特的魅力。虽然阿伦特思考方法的内省,增加了她的思想复杂性、理解的难度和容易引起研究者产生不同的、对立的阐释,但是她的政治哲学思想与现实政治事件有着难以分割、非常密切的关系。2006年10月世界各国都开展了纪念阿伦特诞辰100周年的活动,尽管各国研究者关心侧重有所不同,可是所有这些活动都不脱离一个共同的主题——阿伦特的学说对当下世界的意义。就如她在《精神生活》中所说:“因为当我们思维时,从过去转向可以期望的将来,就会站在‘旁观者’或裁判员的位置上评判发生在世界上的各种各样的、无穷尽的人类事务,虽然不能为人类事务之谜提供最终答案,但是随时准备用不断更新的答案来回答可能产生的问题。”2006年12月在纽约举办的一次阿伦特思想研讨会取名:“汉娜·阿伦特,此时此刻”,我想与阿伦特下面一段论述不无关系,即“在我看来,名著之所以不可恩议地被保存下来,在数千年的时间里保持相对的不变,很可能因为其作者思想是在一个无限的过去和一个无限的未来之间踏出的无时间的小径之中形成的……得以创作出超越自己有限性的、无时间的作品。”如此看来,我们在这里与大家一起从各个现实问题的视角解读阿伦特的著作也不是没有意义的。 The reason why the redefinition of Arendt’s thinking has become a new academic hot spot since the 1990s has been because of the deteriorating relative poverty brought about by the neoltophilosophy and the globalized economy since the end of the Cold War. Religious beliefs and ethnic The ongoing conflict between political and other real new political topics stimulated people’s desire to re-study and evaluate Arendt’s political theory. In addition, Arendt heat another reason for the ascendant, lies in its doctrine itself has a unique charm. Although her introspection of thinking method has increased her complexity of thinking, difficulty of understanding and easy to cause researchers to produce different and opposite interpretations, her thought of political philosophy and real political events are hard to divide and closely related Relationship. In October 2006, all countries in the world carried out activities to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Arendt’s birth. Although researchers of all countries pay attention to different focuses, all these activities are not divorced from a common theme - Arendt’s doctrine gives the present world Meaning. As she said in Spiritual Life, “Because when we think we are turning from the past to the future we can expect, we stand in the position of spectators or referees to judge what happens in the world The kind of endless human affairs, while not providing the ultimate answer to the mysteries of human affairs, is always ready to answer possible questions with constantly updated answers. ”An Arendt Symposium, New York, December 2006 Will be named: “Hannah Arendt, at this moment,” I think Arendt is not unrelated to the following passage, namely: “In my opinion, the reason why the famous works can be ungrateful to be preserved in the number It is likely that the millennial time has remained relatively unchanged, probably due to the fact that its author’s thought was formed from a timeless trail taken between an infinite past and an indefinite future ... to be able to create beyond its own finiteness Timeless work. ”In this light, it is not pointless for us here to read Arendt’s work from all perspectives of reality.
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