过去,摸爬滚打是行家,缺之知识少文化的武装干部,如今成了平度市文化素质高,懂经济、精武装的“武秀才”。全市99名武装干部,有14名大专毕业,28名中专毕业,现仍有57名武装干部参加中央党校大专函授、山东省成人高等教育自学考试等不脱产学习。 1986年,平度全市武装干部中,初中以下文化程度的就占了73.5%,只有两人是大专毕业。部分武装干部组织军事训练,不会写教案,进行民
In the past, it was an expert in hindsight and a shortage of armed cadres with little knowledge of culture. Now it has become the “Wu Xiucai” with a high cultural quality, an understanding of the economy and fine armed forces in Pingdu City. The city’s 99 armed cadres, 14 college graduates, 28 secondary school graduates, there are still 57 armed cadres to participate in the Central Party School College correspondence, Shandong Province adult higher education self-study exams and other non-production learning. In 1986, among the armed cadres in Pingdu city, 73.5% of them had junior high school education and only two graduated from college. Some armed cadres organize military training and will not write teaching plans to carry out the people’s work