李师傅:小王,今天我们该研究“资本家是怎样剥削工人的”这个问题吧? 小王:对。为了弄清这个问题,我们学习小组的青年学习了马克思关于剩余价值的一些论述,搞了点社会调查,访问了一些老工人,请他们谈了谈在旧社会的苦难遭遇。李师傅:这好哇!应该这样一面学习马列著作,一面联系实际加深理解。那你们收获一定不少吧! 小王;收获真不少。但是由于我们刚刚接
Master Li: Xiao Wang, today we should study “how the capitalist exploits workers,” the problem? Xiao Wang: Yes. In order to understand this issue, the youth in our study group studied some of Marx’s statements on surplus value, conducted some social surveys, interviewed some old workers and asked them to talk about the suffering suffered in the old society. Master Li: This is good! You should study Marxism-Leninism on the one hand and deepen understanding on the other hand. Then you have to harvest a lot of it! Wang; harvest a lot. But because we just pick up