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我国小学语文教学最主要的任务就是教会小学生如何正确使用汉字、如何准确理解汉字,并且慢慢提高学生的听力、表达能力。鉴于此,小学语文教师必须将识字作为每节课的教学重点。从小学语文教学现状着手,重点分析了小学语文识字的教学问题。以期通过教师的努力,找到促进小学语文课堂教学质量不断提升的可靠途径。 The primary task of Chinese primary school Chinese teaching is how to teach Chinese primary school students how to use Chinese characters correctly, how to understand Chinese characters correctly, and slowly improve students’ ability of listening and expressing. In view of this, primary language teachers must use literacy as the focus of each lesson. Starting with the current situation of Chinese teaching in primary schools, the emphasis is put on the teaching of Chinese literacy in primary schools. With the hope that through the efforts of teachers, we can find a reliable way to promote the quality of Chinese classroom teaching in primary schools.
自古凡事皆贵专,这也正是浩沙董事长施洪流所信奉的。专注、专心、专一,伴随他与“浩沙”走到今天。  日益频繁的雾霾天气,让室内运动在中国变得火热。  据多家纺织服装公司已经公布的2013年年报,在多家纺织、运动品牌企业营收和净利润双双下滑的背景下,主营泳衣、瑜伽服、运动内衣、健身俱乐部的国内首家室内运动服上市企业浩沙国际却取得了不错的业绩。财报显示,2013年浩沙国际实现营业额10.215亿元,同比