通过对耒宜高速公路红粘土填料路用性能的分析 ,结合土的失水收缩开裂和复水软化特征的室内试验结果 ,对红粘土路基表面开裂现象及裂缝扩展规律进行了研究 ,初步提出了防治开裂的工程措施及可直接用作填料的红粘土的评价标准。
Based on the analysis of the pavement performance of the red clay filler in Yi-Yi Expressway and the indoor test results of the shrinkage-shrinkage of water loss and the softening and rehydration characteristics of the soil, the phenomenon of surface cracking of the red clay subgrade and the crack propagation are studied. Engineering measures to prevent cracking and the evaluation criteria of red clay that can be directly used as filler.