采用高真空多层绝热结构,研制了一套超临界氦球形贮罐。对贮罐进行漏热估算和应力校核,漏热估算为1.44 W,应力符合设计要求。在液氦加注过程中,监测液氦温度波动特别大,且温度计引线管上有结霜现象出现,分析漏热原因是出现了剧烈热声振荡。将温度计引线管与增压管连通,连通后热声振荡消除。对该超临界氦贮罐进行液氦密封憋压绝热性能测试,液氦压力到达2 MPa的时间约7.5 h,压力平均上升速率为0.267 MPa/h,换算成漏热量为12 W,仍远远大于漏热估算值,分析是由于在连通管路中形成了环流,造成较大漏热。提出了该类超临界氦贮罐的设计改进原则。
Using a high vacuum multi-layer insulation structure, a set of supercritical helium spherical storage tank was developed. Heat leak assessment and stress check of the tank, heat leak estimate 1.44 W, stress meets design requirements. In the liquid helium filling process, the monitoring liquid helium temperature fluctuations are particularly large, and the thermometer lead tube frosted phenomenon occurs, the analysis of heat leakage is due to severe thermoacoustic oscillation. Connect the thermometer lead tube and the pressure intensifier tube to eliminate the thermoacoustic oscillation after connecting. The supercritical helium tank liquid helium sealed pressure holding adiabatic performance test, the liquid helium pressure reaches 2 MPa time of about 7.5 h, the average pressure rise rate of 0.267 MPa / h, converted to leakage heat is 12 W, is still far In the heat leak estimate, the analysis is due to the formation of circulating in the connecting pipe loop, resulting in greater heat leakage. The design improvement principle of this kind of supercritical helium storage tank is put forward.