
来源 :南京农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhiyuanfengxiang
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提高杂交粳稻竞争优势的关键是选育具有高配合力的大穗型杂交粳稻恢复系。为使配合力改良更有效,选用115对SSR引物扩增6个粳稻BT型不育系和12个恢复系的标记基因型,并按NCⅡ(North CarolinaⅡ)遗传交配设计配制72个F1组合,分析18个亲本的一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数和穗长3个穗部性状的配合力,结合亲本SSR分子标记数据和性状配合力数据筛选3个穗部性状优异配合力的标记基因型。结果发现:23个标记基因型与亲本3个穗部性状配合力显著相关。其中1个标记基因型与亲本3个性状配合力都相关;7个标记基因型与亲本2个性状配合力都相关;15个标记基因型与亲本单个性状配合力相关。标记基因型RM8254-120/180对3个性状的配合力效应都是正的,可使F1的每穗一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数和穗长3个性状值分别增加21.63%、21.12%和16.12%。与亲本2个性状配合力相关的7个标记基因型中有6个标记基因型对亲本的配合力效应是正值,1个标记基因型对亲本的配合力效应是负值。 The key to improve the competitive advantage of japonica hybrid rice is to breed a large-panicle japonica hybrid rice restorer with high combining ability. To improve the combining ability, 115 pairs of SSR primers were used to amplify the marker genotypes of 6 BT-type CMS lines and 12 restorer lines in japonica rice. 72 F1 combinations were designed according to the genetic mating design of NCⅡ (North CarolinaⅡ) 18 parents with primary branch number, secondary branch number and spike length of 3 panicle traits were selected. Three marker genotypes with excellent combining ability of panicle traits were screened with SSR molecular marker data and trait combining ability data of parents. The results showed that the 23 marker genotypes were significantly correlated with the combining ability of the three panicle traits. One of the marker genotypes was related to the combining ability of the three traits of the parents. The seven marker genotypes were correlated with the combining ability of the two traits of the parents. The 15 marker genotypes were correlated with the combining ability of the single traits of the parents. The combining effect of marker genotype RM8254-120 / 180 on three traits was positive, which increased the number of primary branches, secondary branches and spike length of F1 by 21.63%, 21.12% and 16.12 %. Six of the seven marker genotypes correlated with the combining ability of the two traits in the parents were positive for the combining ability of the parents, and one marker genotype had a negative effect on the combining ability of the parents.
张鸿语,顺美品牌设计师兼男装产品经理,从业11年来,张鸿语一直专注于男装领域。在工作中,他是个多面手,设计师出身的他,除了基本的设计工作外,还负责产品的企划开发和活动策划;在生活中,他冷静、睿智,对生活有着自己的思考和领悟。今天,《时尚北京》和你一起,听张鸿语分享他的男装故事。  顺遂美遂  微卷的头发,锐利的目光,一身深蓝色条纹西装,黑白丝巾在脖子上轻轻挽成一个结,这是张鸿语给我的第一印象,从头
对于我这个从小就生长在敦煌的西北汉子来说,胡麻已经融入我的血液中。  胡麻是跟着丝绸之路的亚麻种植进入中原的,故命名为“胡”,是一种分布范围极窄、出油率甚低的油料作物。很多人会将芝麻油误认为是胡麻油。胡麻喜寒耐寒,适合生长在西部北部高寒干旱地区,如今主要种植分布在宁夏和甘肃南部山区。  每年3 月初,撒下金灿灿的胡麻籽,3 月底,胡麻发芽,4 ~ 5 月胡麻长高,然后从敦实的茎端分出顶着花蕾的枝条