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判断机械横波的传播方向或质点的振动方向,方法多种多样,诸如“爬坡法”、“平移法”、“头头(尾尾)相对法”等。这些方法各有千秋,但都有“死记硬背”之嫌。只有深刻理解波的产生原理,才能正确判断波的传播方向及质点的振动方向。 关于波的产生原理,高中《物理》(必修本)第一册第139页至第140页有这样一段文字:“为什么介质中某一点发生的振动能向各个方向传播?这是由介质本身的性质决定的。我们可以把介质看成是由大量质点构成的物质,相邻的质点间都有相互作用力。当介质中的某一质点发生振动时,就会带动它周围的质点振动起来,这些质点的振动又会带动各自周围的质点发生振动,这样,振动就在介质内传播开来。机械波在介质中的传播过程,叫做机械波。”对于这段阐述波的产生 The method of determining the propagation direction of the mechanical shear wave or the vibration direction of the particle is various, such as “climbing method”, “translation method”, “head-to-tail” relative method, and the like. These methods have their merits, but they all have the suspicion of “robbing”. Only a profound understanding of the principle of wave generation can correctly determine the wave propagation direction and the vibration direction of the particle. With regard to the principle of wave generation, there is a paragraph on pages 139 to 140 of Volume 1 of the “Physics” (required edition) for high schools: “Why does vibration at one point of the medium propagate in all directions? This is caused by the medium itself. The nature determines that we can think of the medium as a matter made up of a large number of particles, and that there are interaction forces between adjacent particles, and when a certain particle in the medium vibrates, it will drive the particles around it to vibrate. The vibrations of these particles will drive the vibration of the particles around them, so that the vibrations propagate in the medium. The propagation process of mechanical waves in the medium is called mechanical wave."