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活动目的: 少年儿童是实现党的十六大提出的“全面建设小康社会”的预备军,引导他们以党的十六大精神武装自己,用全面建设小康社会对人才需求的必备条件打造自己,是实现小康社会这一宏伟目标的关键所在。通过学习党的十六大精神,明确全面建设小康社会的目标,引导队员积极参加体验教育活动,努力培养优秀的道德品质和良好的行为习惯,从而增强社会责任感和使命感,为全面建设小康社会做准备。活动过程:认知篇:党在召唤1、以大队为单位,组织队员成立红领巾“十六大”精神宣讲团到各中队巡讲。2、各中队召开一次以“我心中的‘三个代表’”为主题的中队会。3、举办一期“小康社会向我招手”黑板报、手抄报比赛。(大、中、小队) 4、组织队员参加一次“葵花朵朵向阳开”文艺演出、书画展览、征文竞赛、演讲比赛。5、举办一次“十六大知识知多少”知识竞赛。感悟篇:任重道远1、开展一次“我与《中国小公民道德建设计划》交朋友”学习宣传活动。(大、中、小队) 2、召开一次“奖章望着我们笑”争章活动再动员、再行动誓师大会。(大队) 3、举行一次“红领巾话小康”主题队会。(中队) 4、开展一次“我为小康社会绘蓝图”主题活动。(大队) 5、召开一次“我离小康有多远”行动计划交流会。(中、小队) Purpose of Activities: Children and Adolescents are the preparatory army for “building a moderately prosperous society in all respects” proposed by the Party’s 16th National Congress, and guide them to arm themselves with the spirit of the 16th CPC Congress and to build themselves with the requisites for building a well-to-do society in an all-round way Is the key to realizing this magnificent goal of a well-off society. Through the study of the spirit of the 16th National Party Congress, the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way is clearly defined. Leaders are encouraged to actively participate in experience-based education activities and strive to cultivate outstanding moral qualities and good habits so as to enhance their sense of social responsibility and mission and to fully build a well-to-do society prepare. Activities: Cognitive articles: Party summon 1, with brigade as unit, organize team members to set up red scarf “16th CPC National Congress” spirit propaganda mission to the squadron tour. 2. All squadrons held a squadron meeting entitled “Three Represents” in my heart. 3, held a “well-off society waving to me” blackboard newspaper, hand newspaper competition. (Large, medium and small teams) 4, team members to participate in a “sunflower blossoming open” theatrical performances, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, essay competitions, speech competitions. 5, held a “knowledge of the 16th National Knowledge” quiz. Sentiment chapter: a long way to go 1, to carry out a “me and” China’s small citizen moral construction plan “make friends” learning campaign. (Large, medium and small teams) 2, held a “medal looking at us laughing” fight again to mobilize the activities of the event, and then move to pledge the assembly. (Brigade) 3, held a “Red Towel Well-off” theme team. (Squadron) 4, to carry out a “I painted a blueprint for a moderately prosperous society,” thematic activities. (Brigade) 5, held a “how far away from well-to-doland” plan of action exchange. (In, squad)
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