目的:探讨腹股沟无张力疝修补术后护理措施。方法:收集某医院2013年1月-2014年6月,腹股沟无张力疝修补手术186例,对其资料进行统计、分析。186例手术,发生切口感染5例,感染率2.67%。结果:通过精心护理,186例患者全部治愈出院。结论:加强常规护理;加强麻醉前的沟通;严格掌握抗菌药物使用;冰袋冷敷配合疝气带使用,达到止血、止痛、消肿的作用;加强术前呼吸功能锻炼及术中呼吸控制,可降低术后并发症。通过采取以上措施,提高了患者的治愈率。“,”Objective Discuss the measures of postoperative care on inguinal tension-free herniaplasty.Method Collecting 186 cases of inguinal tension-free hernioplasty in one hospital from 2013.1 to 2014.6 then do make statistical analysis on these data.Result After intensive care all of the 186 patients have recovered.Conclusions Strengthen routine nursing and increase communication before anesthesia. Furthermore, strictly control the dosage of antimicrobial drugs. And in order to stop bleeding, relieve pain and reach detumescence, icepacks should be used with trusses. Strengthen the preoperative respiratory function exercise and intraoperative breath controlling can reduce the postoperative complications. In conclusion, the patient cure rate could be effectively raised through above measures.