Recently, in his speech titled The Future of Sino-Japanese Economic Relations, Chibaman, a counselor of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Japanese Embassy in China, conducted a grand liquidation of the paradox in the Sino-Japanese economic relations. First, Japan’s direct investment in China Secondly, Japan’s direct investment in China is almost exclusively made in apparel manufacturing and white goods manufacturing; thirdly, Japan’s direct investment in China focuses on the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta; fourthly, Japan-China bilateral trade is the Chinese deficit; Fifthly, Japan and China have similar appearances but are actually different in that direct investment in China will ultimately not yield good results. Counselor Chiba said that the above five kinds of misunderstandings actually have their own reasons, but they only reflect one aspect of the matter, and on the other hand, they are wrong. Enterprise is the core of Japanese companies As for whether Japan’s direct investment in China has been on an upward trend, Counselor Counselor said that Japan’s investment in China in 10 years, the contract value was very high in 1995, then decreased, then recovered. The actual amount is different, but the trend is the same. This shows that direct investment in China has not been rising but rising all the time. The number of investment projects has also changed, very much in 1993