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据纽约州约1882年首次报道,杨干象(Cryptorrhynchus lapathi)是从原产地欧洲传入的一种杨、柳树蛀干害虫。它不仅为害杨柳树,也会侵害桤树和桦树(Baker1972)。一旦干基受害可使幼树生长减弱直至折断,较大的树干由于幼虫多次为害形成许多虫道,材质就会受虫道以及虫道木材变色和真菌危害的影响,病原菌可由杨干象的侵入孔侵入到树体内。杨干象在欧洲是杨树的主要害虫,在美国对柳树的危害也极为严重。在欧洲杨干象是很难控制的(Lapietra 和Arru 1973),在北美尚未发现它的天敌。1977年以前,在杂交杨苗圃种植园中的杨干象还未引起人民的重视(Thomas 和 Rose1979和 Beique 1977),但是,当杂交杨种植增加时,作者们认为,杨干象将是一种危害杨树的主要害虫。Vallee(1979)认为,“在魁北克省,杨干象是危害杨、柳树最严重的害虫”。Vallee(1979)和 Beique(1979)把蛀干害虫造成的危害同抑制树木生长的落叶害虫相比较,认为在杂交杨人工林中,监测蛀干害虫更为困难,这需要(经过培训的)观察人员在杂交杨和天然杨树中,扩大调查范围,记录害虫的危害程度及影响。从1882年以来,栖居在柳树和杨树天然林中的杨干象,已扩散到加拿大南部和美国北部,据 Beique(1979)报道,在魁北克省,每年调查2000多个欧洲山杨、香脂杨、大齿杨和伦巴弟杨样本,发现有80种昆虫,其中蛀干害虫杨干象、三种天牛(Saperda spp.)和一种透翅蛾(Aegeria sp.)是危害树木最严重的害虫。据作者调查表明,杨干象主要寄生在安大略省南部的杂交杨、天然香脂杨和柳树上。1977—1978年调查,在杂交杨中杨干象危害程度较轻,但是,1979—1980年在调查树木受害程度时,发现在3年生以上的人工林中虫害很严重。 According to New York State for the first time in about 1882, Cryptorrhynchus lapathi is a poplar and willow tree pest introduced from Europe of origin. It not only harms willow trees, but also bark trees and birches (Baker 1972). Once dry-based damage can saplings growth weakened until broken, the larger the trunk due to larvae many damage caused by the formation of many larvae, the material will be affected by the insects and larch wood discoloration and fungal damage, Invade into the tree. Young dry elephant is the main pest of poplar in Europe, and the damage to willow trees in the United States is extremely serious. Young dry elephants in Europe are difficult to control (Lapietra and Arru 1973) and no predators have been found in North America. Until 1977, poplar plantations in hybrid poplar nurseries have not attracted the attention of the people (Thomas and Rose, 1979 and Beique, 1977). However, when hybrid poplar planting increased, the authors concluded that poplar would be a The main pest. According to Vallee (1979), “In Quebec, Yang Ganxiang is the most serious pest that harms poplar and willow.” Vallee (1979) and Beique (1979) compared the damage caused by stem-boring pests with that of tree-deciduous pests that inhibit the growth of trees and concluded that it is more difficult to monitor stem borers in hybrid poplar plantations and this requires (trained) observations Personnel in the hybrid poplar and natural poplar, to expand the scope of the investigation, record the extent and impact of harmful pests. Since 1882, dry elephants dwelling in willows and poplar natural forests have spread to southern Canada and the northern United States. According to Beique (1979), in Quebec, more than 2,000 Populus euphratica, balsam poplar, Populus euphratica and Populus euphratica, 80 species of insects were found, among which Dried stem borer, Populus euphratica, Saperda spp., And Aegeria sp. Were the most harmful pests to trees. According to the author’s investigation, Yang Ganxiang mainly parasitizes the hybrid poplar, natural balsam poplar and willow in southern Ontario. From 1977 to 1978, Populus euphratica was less harmful in hybrid poplar, however, from 1979 to 1980, when investigating the degree of tree damage, pests were found to be serious in plantations above 3 years of age.
西藏主要农作物小麦、青裸、豌豆、油菜,常因黄地老虎为害而缺苗断垄甚至毁种,露地大白菜及温室辣椒苗等也常受到严重危害。 发生情况:该虫在拉萨河谷地区1年发生2代,以五至
杨树溃疡病Dothiorella gregaria Sacc.是杨树干部的一种重要病害,已对我国杨树人工林的发展造成了严重威胁。该病从1955年在北京市个别苗圃发现以来,现已传播到东北、华北