Resistance of barley varieties to Heterodera avenae in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau, China

来源 :农业科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuxiguang
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The cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae, is one of the most economically important pathogens impacting the worldwide production of cereals and is widely distributed in more than 16 regions in China. The present study used the numbers of nematodes inside the plant roots to evaluate the resistance/susceptibility of different subpopulations of barley Hordeum vulgare (QH2R, QH6R and TB2R) to H. avenae under field and pot conditions. Nematode development in two highly resistant varieties was also evaluated by in vivo experiment and microscopic observation. Analyses of 186 selected varieties showed the numbers of susceptible varieties identified with the number of females/cysts per plant (NFP) method were significantly higher than those identified with the Pf/Pi ratio (PPR) method, which indicated that the NFP method rather than the PPR method is more reliable to evaluate the resistance of barley. The field and pot experiment results indicated that the QH2R subpopulation had lower females/cysts numbers than QH6R and TB2R subpopulations, and eight HR varieties (Sunong 7617, Sunong 7635, Dongyuan 87-14, Rudong 14-46, Rudong 87-57, Rudong 87-8-45, Rudong 88-14-2, and Rudong 88-67-1) were identified in QH2R, with the NFP numbers below 4.2. Further microscopic observation of nematode development suggested that H. avenae often penetrated less into highly resistant varieties (Sunong 7635 and Dongyuan 87-14) and more frequently failed to develop into females than the susceptible barleys. The promising resistant varieties identified in the present research might be helpful for breeders to develop CCN-resistant cultivars and control H. avenae populations effectively at low costs.
棉花夏播短季轻简化栽培是入夏后播种,简化生产程序,全生育期控制在150 d以内的栽培模式,其关键技术包括:①推迟播种,改春播为夏播;②适当密植,发挥群体效应;③选用良种,提高播种质量;④平衡施肥,减少氮肥用量;⑤全程化调,适时打顶,塑造理想株型;⑥适时催熟脱叶,促进集中吐絮.这种栽培模式具有生产周期短、生产环节少、小个体大群体结构、吐絮集中、纤维品质一致性好等特点和优势,可大幅降低棉花生产成本、提高植棉效益,并为棉田耕作制度的根本性变革和棉花全程机械化生产提供基础,具有较好的推广应用前景.
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截至2020年,湘潭市市级以上农业产业化龙头企业已达153家.为扩大农业综合效益的覆盖面,湘潭市在龙头企业中广泛开展“百企帮百村”帮扶倡议.75%的市级以上龙头企业与村级签订了帮扶协议,其中有65家市级以上龙头企业直接帮扶原建档立卡贫困人口 1195人,带动贫困村发展优质稻、湘莲、水果、油茶、南竹等种植基地6582.2公顷,发展生猪养殖17.9万头、禽类养殖66万羽.目前湘潭市“百企帮百村”已形成了基地项目建设型、产品保底收购服务型、合作社带动型和贫困人口就业安置型4种典型有效的帮扶模式,取得了较好效果.
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生物炭是土壤修复材料之一,但其理化性质可能会随时间而变化.为探索生物炭在田间逐渐老化中的变化规律,通过对田间老化7 a的生物炭与原新鲜生物炭的综合表征对比分析,探究田间老化作用下生物炭理化性质的变化.结果表明:与新鲜生物炭相比,老化生物炭的C相对含量降低了42.12%,O相对含量增加了70.49%,比表面积、孔容、孔径和含氧官能团明显增加,pH值降低.这说明生物炭的理化性质发生了显著变化,而这些变化可能会影响植物生长、降低生物炭已钝化重金属离子的稳定性.