So What?一向以稳健示人的雷克萨斯除了开始在宣传策略上玩花活儿,还希望“立足于中国市场研发”的新ES能让外界看到它的与众不同2012年7月,一块只写着“So What”两个英文单词的汽车广告牌出现在中国一些大城市的公共场所,没有车子的图片,没有厂家的落款。对于广告主,有人猜测是喜欢标新立异的英菲尼迪,有人猜测是新近入华的雪铁龙DS,一时众说纷纭,莫衷一是。但当答案揭晓——这是雷克萨斯中国为新一代ES量身打造的宣传策略时,外界颇感意外,这个一向以稳健示人的日系豪华品牌
So What? Has always been a solid show of people Lexus Apart from beginning to play a promotional strategy in the flower work, but also hope that “based on the Chinese market research and development,” the new ES can let the outside world see it unique July 2012, a Only read the words “So What” two English words car billboards appear in some major cities in China in public places, there is no picture of the car, there is no inscription by the manufacturers. For advertisers, some people guess is unconventional Infiniti, it was speculated that the newly introduced Citroen DS, for a time divergent views, implausible. But when the answer is revealed - this is Lexus China’s tailor-made promotional strategy for the new generation of ES, the outside world quite surprised, this has always been to show a solid Japanese luxury brand