
来源 :戏剧文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jfguo2008
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中国戏曲史研究先师王国维说:“元代曲家,自明以来,称关、马、郑、白。然以其年代及造诣论之,宁称关、白、马、郑为妥也。关汉卿一空倚傍,自铸伟词,而其言尽人情,字字本色,故当为元人第一。”诚然,从关汉卿的杂剧创作中,我们完全能看得到一位在艺术造诣方面达到一流水平的剧作家的矫健身影,更能感受到一位具有民主主义精神的伟大战士的高尚情操和人文情怀。 Wang Guowei, a pioneer in the study of the history of Chinese opera, said: “Since the Yuan dynasty, the composer said that Guan, Ma, Zheng and Bai, however, have their age and attainments, but rather Guan, Bai and Ma. Guan Hanqing leans back and forth, since the founding Wei word, and his words make the human condition, character character, so when the yuan first. ”Admittedly, from Guan Hanqing’s Zaju creation, we can see one achieved in artistic accomplishments First-class playwright straightening, but also feel the great spirit of a democratic spirit of the great sentiments and human feelings.