山东省是中国肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)流行最严重的省份。过去 ,由于忽略了HFRS在一个乡或一个自然村组成的微小地理环境内的地理分布特点和流行病学特点 ,因而缺乏根据疫点类型、发病时间、空间分布特点所制定的预防干预措施 ,致使HFRS的发病仍居高不下。本研究以平邑县为研究现
Shandong Province is the most prevalent in China with the development of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS). In the past, due to the omission of the geographical distribution and epidemiological characteristics of HFRS in the microgeographical environment of a township or a natural village, there was a lack of preventive interventions based on the type of epidemic, time of onset and spatial distribution, resulting in HFRS The incidence is still high. The research is based on Pingyi County