本人十分高兴能作为中方代表团正式成员参加今年3月8日至9日在北京举行的中法政府科技混合委员会会议,听取了法国高等教育与研究部代表所作的报告。现根据记录整理成此文,供读者参考。 一、科研管理机构 法国政府于1993年设立了“高等教育与研究部”,主要的职能部门有:高等教育总司,研究与技术总司,行政、人才、资源和财政总司,以及科技信息与文献司。高等教育与研究部的主要任务是:
I am very pleased to be able to participate as an official member of the Chinese delegation in the meeting of the Sino-French government science and technology mixing committee to be held in Beijing from March 8 to March 9 this year and to hear a report from the representative of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Now based on records into the article for readers reference. I. Scientific Research Management Organization The French government established the Ministry of Higher Education and Research in 1993. Its main functional departments are: the General Administration of Higher Education, the Research and Technology Department, the Chiefs, the Talents, the General Resources and Finance Department, and the Scientific and Technological Information And literature department. The main tasks of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research are: