教学内容:人教版数学一年级上册第一单元。教学过程:一、激活教师边呈现课件边说:你能数一数并比一比谁多谁少吗?设计意图:让学生体验数一数的过程,初步感受“多”与“少”的含义。二、自主探究(明确要求,解决问题)课件呈现主题图及自主探究要求:(1.说说你看到了什么?2.比一比谁多谁少?)1.自主寻找解决问题的方法(预设学生方法 :数一数小猪有3只,木头有4根,所以小猪少,木头多;兔子和
Teaching content: PEP mathematics first grade on the first unit. Teaching process: First, the activation of the teacher while the side of the courseware said: you can count the number and who more than one who less? Design intent: let the students experience the number of the process, the initial feeling “more ” and Less "meaning. Second, self-exploration (clear requirements, problem-solving) Courseware presented thematic maps and self-exploration requirements: (1 talk about what you see? 2 more than one who is less?) 1 independent find ways to solve the problem The default student method: the number of piglets have three, four wood, so less pigs, more wood; rabbits and