要建立一个像柏林剧团这样的剧院,就必須同时具备許多有利的条件:优秀的演員、导演、音乐家和舞台美术家,勇于实驗的热情,剧院对艺术和社会的責任感,国家在物质上的大力帮助。只有当一个伟大的新社会誕生的时候,才能同时誕生一个具有新任务的剧院。因此,柏林剧团的成立和德意志民主共和国建国在同一天,并不是偶然的。否則,一个德国剧院怎么能制订出一个坚持不渝的反法西斯的、反軍国主义的、社会主义的演出計划呢? 它需要一个像布萊希特那样伟大的戏剧家和导演。布萊希特的作品用许多种語言出版,他的剧本过去和現在都在許多国家上演:苏联、捷克斯洛伐克、罗馬尼亚、保加利亚、波兰、匈牙利、澳大利亚、比利时、丹麦、英国、芬兰、法国、荷兰、以色列、意大利、日本、南斯拉夫、墨西哥、挪威、奥地利、瑞
To build a theater like the Berlin Theater, there must be many advantages at the same time: excellent performers, directors, musicians and stage artists, passion for experimentation, the theater’s responsibility to the arts and society, the state’s materialism Strongly help. Only when a great new society is born can a theater with new tasks be born at the same time. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Berlin Theater was established on the same day as the founding of the German Democratic Republic. Otherwise, how can a German theater formulate an unassailable anti-fascist, anti-militaristic, socialist performance plan? It needs a great playwright and director like Brecht. Brecht’s work has been published in many languages and his plays have been and continue to be played in many countries: the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, the United Kingdom, Finland, France, Netherlands, Israel, Italy, Japan, Yugoslavia, Mexico, Norway, Austria, Switzerland