在国务院《设备管理条例》发布四周年前夕,记者专程采访纺织工业部吴文英部长,听取她对纺织工业设备管理工作的一些看法。 认真贯彻《条例》 发扬优良传统 吴文英部长对设备管理工作很关心、很重视。她在接待我们采访时很自信地说:几十年来,纺织工业的设备管理工作是有基础的,具有好的传统。纺织行业的特点是工序多,设备的种类、数量较多,设备连续作业,因此,纺织行业历来十分重视设备管理。从60年代初期起就制定了各项条例,还对一些专机作出了具体规定。国务院《设备管理条例》的发布,标志着我国的设备管理工作迈向一个新的阶段。它总结了我国四十年社会主义全民所有制企业设备管理的经验,也吸收了国外一些先进的经验,
On the eve of the issuance of the “Regulations on the Administration of Equipment” issued by the State Council, the reporter made a special visit to Minister Wu Wenying of the Ministry of Textile Industry to listen to her views on the management of equipment in the textile industry. Conscientiously implement the “Regulations” and carry forward the fine traditions Minister Wu Wenying is very concerned about the equipment management work and attaches great importance to it. During her interview with us, she said with confidence: For decades, the equipment management work in the textile industry is based on a good tradition. The characteristics of the textile industry are many processes, the types and quantities of equipment, and the continuous operation of equipment. Therefore, the textile industry has always attached great importance to equipment management. Since the early 1960s, various regulations have been formulated, and specific regulations have been made for some special planes. The issuance of the “Regulations on Equipment Management” of the State Council marks a new stage in China’s equipment management work. It summed up the experience of equipment management in the 40-year-old socialist ownership enterprise in China and also absorbed some advanced foreign experience.