从 《党建研究》200期出版过程来看,我感到有 两点值得关注。一是1989年刊物创办伊始, 适逢“这个党该抓了,不抓不行了”的紧要关 头。这里讲的“抓”就是要抓党的建设,巩固党 的执政地位。这就是说,《党建研究》是在我们 党把自身建设放到极其重要位置上来看待、 去重视的情况下起步的。《党建研究》从一开 始就紧紧围绕党的建设开始了自己的探索。 二是《党建研究》伴随我们党推进党的建设新 的伟大工程、强调加强党的执政能力建设的 战略任务而不断实现自身发展的。
From the publication of the “Party Building Research” 200 issue, I feel there are two points worth noting. First, at the very beginning of the publication of the 1989 issue, it coincides with the crucial moment when “this party should have caught it or not.” The “grabbing” here is about grasping the party building and consolidating the ruling position of the party. This means that “party building research” started when our party placed itself in an extremely important position and valued it. From the very beginning, “study of Party building” started its own exploration closely around the party building. Second, “party building research” accompanies our party’s new great project of promoting party building, emphasizing the strategic task of strengthening the building of the party’s ability to govern and continuously realizing its own development.