Hair is not a physiological problem people generally understand, it is related to people’s mental health and self-confidence. When a person’s hair is dirty and greasy, he not only scores too low on his abilities, but also has a lack of trust in the surrounding environment, a decline in social skills, and even a negative attitude towards his attitude. Well-known image designer Wang Lei said: people’s appearance can not be changed, but the human image can shape. And hair is more important than makeup and clothing. The average shampoo frequency of urban residents in China is about 2 to 2.5 times per week, while the average developed countries in Europe and the United States shampoo frequency is 6.4 times per week, Hong Kong, China is up to 7 times per week. Apart from the objective conditions, some old traditional habits and the lack of scientific basis for prejudice are the main reasons that affect people’s lack of shampoo.