Femoral neck bone mineral density has now become the gold index in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis is that the T value of bone mineral density is less than -2.5 standard deviations (SD). Because of the widespread misdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of this diagnostic standard throughout the world, local diagnostic standards have been adapted around the world for more than a decade. However, this localized standard does not improve the current misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. This article analyzes the differences in interbody spikes (54.3%) and discusses the correlation between body weight and bone spikes (0.97). The results of femoral neck bone strength analysis showed that although the difference in peak BMD among individuals was very large, the multiple of the femoral neck support body weight (anti-fracture ability) was relatively close (11.9 ± 1.5) .Body density or its T value Can explain how much of the subject’s bone mass, can not explain the degree of osteoporosis. In this paper, 44 subjects were test results, clinical symptoms, and medical information were analyzed, diagnosed with 7 osteoporosis patients. Five osteoporosis patients were diagnosed in 44 subjects according to the T value of BMD. Three of the five patients were diagnosed as having the above seven patients (diagnosed), and the other two belonged to patients who misdiagnosed as normal Quality loose (misdiagnosed), a total of missed four osteoporosis patients (missed diagnosis). Subjects who were misdiagnosed were underweight (less than 62 kg) and those who were missed were heavier (more than 74 kg). Clinically, diagnosis of osteoporosis based on the T value of bone mineral density is likely to result in normal and less-severe bones The patient was misdiagnosed as an osteoporotic patient, while a patient who already had osteoporosis and a heavier weight was misdiagnosed.