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三月时节,春意盎然。在孕育着生机和希望的初春,牵动国人视线、引起世界瞩目的全国“两会”“胜利召开了。自3月1日起至17日,17个日日夜夜,华北空管人虽然不能到现场为代表、委员提供近距离的服务,甚至因自己繁忙的工作无法在电视机前完整的收看”两会“直播,但是他们却在自己的岗位上默默付出,为”两会“作 March season, spring. In the early spring which gave birth to life and hope, the victory of the national ”two sessions “ won the attention of the people and attracted worldwide attention. From March 1 to 17, 17 days and nights, the North China ATC Although not able to go to the scene as the representative, members provide close service, and even because of their busy work can not be fully watched in front of the TV ”two sessions “ live, but they silently pay in their posts for the ”two sessions "For