Can feed on the 1st is the Institute of Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry millet Institute Sug sweet stalk sorghum varieties as the parent through systematic breeding of energy, forage and sorghum varieties. ① The varieties of high biological yield, the role of a significant increase in production, compared with the control Liaozazaocha 16.7% respectively; ② high sugar content stems: 63-67% juice content, liquid juice sugar between 15-17.4. ③ disease resistance, insect resistance, resistance and strong: can feed on the 1st found no head smut, leaf spot disease; anti-aphids; lodging lighter. ④ precocious, suitable for summer sowing: Nongnong 1 growing period of 95 ~ 100d, is the first sweet sorghum suitable for summer sowing in Jizhong. ⑤ can feed and use a wide range of uses: the varieties of biological yield and main nutrients were significantly higher than the current summer sowing corn and other high yield crops, as forage crop cultivation and development and utilization of energy crops value.