Productivity and energy balance of forest plantation harvesting in Uganda

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cattlecattle
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The study evaluated the productivity and energy balance of the harvesting and the extraction of wood in plantation of exotic tree species, i.e., Pinus patula (Schiede ex Schlectendahl et Chamisso) and Cupressus lusitanica (Mill.). The harvesting and extraction operations concerned clear-cut felling on two different types of terrain (gentle and steep terrain) and two levels of pruning. The results show that cutting is not affected by the terrain gradient whereas the pruning condition shows a significant effect on the delimbing operation. The productivity of cutting is evaluated at 28.1 m3·d-1 for unpruned trees and at 30.2 m3·d-1 for pruned trees. For the extraction phase, rolling was significantly affected by terrain conditions. On steep terrain, the gross productivity can be evaluated at 22.5 m3·d-1 for an extraction distance of 40 m, while for the same distance on gentle terrain the productivity decreases to 14.1 m3·d-1 . As a result, the steep terrain condition showed higher energy efficiency, suggesting that it is the more efficient system of extraction. The productivity model and the energy balance resulting from the study provide a better understanding of the variables affecting motor-manual cutting and rolling extraction in exotic plantations in Uganda. The study evaluated the productivity and energy balance of the harvesting and the extraction of wood in plantation of exotic tree species, ie, Pinus patula (Schiede ex Schlectendahl et Chamisso) and Cupressus lusitanica (Mill.). The harvesting and extraction operations concerned clear- cut felling on two different types of terrain (gentle and steep terrain) and two levels of pruning. The results show that cutting is not affected by the terrain gradient where the pruning condition shows a significant effect on the delimbing operation. As at 28.1 m3 · d-1 for unpruned trees and at 30.2 m3 · d-1 for pruned trees. For the extraction phase, rolling was significantly affected by terrain conditions. On steep terrain, the gross productivity can be evaluated at 22.5 m3 · d-1 for an extraction distance of 40 m, while for the same distance on gentle terrain the productivity decreases to 14.1 m3 · d-1. As a result, the steep terrain condition showed higher ene rgy efficiency, suggesting that it is the more efficient system of extraction. The productivity model and the energy balance resulting from the study provide a better understanding of the variables affecting motor-manual cutting and rolling extraction in exotic plantations in Uganda.
The present study was carried out at two different gradients of unburnt and burnt Anogeissus latifolia forest sites in the Garhwal region, India. At each gradie
目的 探讨贫血、铁缺乏与心力衰竭严重程度之间的相关性.方法 入选2011年1月至12月本院收治的126例慢性心力衰竭(CHF)患者,根据美国纽约心脏病学会(NYHA)对心功能进行Ⅱ ~ Ⅳ级的分级分组,观察各组患者中贫血、铁缺乏的发生率以及血红蛋白、左室射血分数(LVEF)、心排血量(CO)、肾小球滤过率(eGFR)等指标.结果 Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级CHF患者,贫血发生率分别为17.50%、25.58%、
摘要:林政管理质量不仅影响着社会经济发展,还与生态环境紧密相连。然而,在林政管理工作中存在一些问题,文章对此展开探讨,并针对性提出对策,以期做好林政管理工作,推动我国林业可持续发展。  关键词:林政管理;问题;对策  在林政管理中,其主要目的是保护并合理利用林业资源,在林业管理中,控制森林资源消耗量,加强林木采伐、运输、加工等的监督,合理利用林业资源。然而,随着管理体制的改革,林業资源管理中,逐渐