(一) 我国图书馆事业建国40多年来,经历了一条曲折的发展道路。 我国当前图书馆事业与国民经济发展的需要还很不相适应,图书馆的服务工作还远远不能满足人们的需要。虽然我们国家先后公布过与图书馆工作和图书馆事业有关的政府报告、指示、条例、方案、规定、决定等属于国家政策的文件:但是,迟至今天还没有以立法的形式使之定型化。这样,就使得各项政策在贯彻执行上存在很大的随意性和不彻底性,产生很大的差异,致使图书馆事业的发展,不仅得不到法律上的保障,
(1) For more than 40 years since the founding of the PRC’s library industry, our library has undergone a tortuous path of development. The current needs of libraries in our country and the development of the national economy are still far from being compatible with each other. Library services are far from satisfying people’s needs. Although our country has successively published documents pertaining to national policies such as government reports, instructions, regulations, plans, rules and decisions relating to library work and library business: However, as of today, it has not yet been finalized in the form of legislation . In this way, there are great discrepancies and incompleteness in the implementation of various policies, resulting in great differences. As a result, the development of the library undertaking has not only failed to obtain legal protection,