本文集中论述了古代西北 (今陕、甘、宁、青、新五省区 )少数民族多元文化发展和演变的过程。共分三部分 :(1)先秦时期西北民族的区域文化 ,分别论述西北新石器文化区域类型和先秦西北民族的区域文化 ;(2 )秦汉至北宋约一千余年间 ,西北少数民族多元文化的发展因受四周文化的影响 ,特别是佛教文化的影响 ,而发生变异 ;(3) 15— 16世纪 ,因民族的迁徙与融合 ,近现代西北少数民族及其分布格局基本形成 ,而其多元文化因伊斯兰教的传播而发生第二次变异 ,从而基本定型。
This article focuses on the process of the development and evolution of multicultural minorities in the ancient Northwest (now Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and New Five Provinces). It is divided into three parts: (1) the regional culture of northwestern ethnic groups in Pre-Qin period, respectively discussing the types of Northwestern Neolithic culture and the regional culture of Northwest Pre-Qin ethnic groups; (2) (3) From the 15th to the 16th century, due to ethnic migration and integration, the modern Northwest minorities and their distribution patterns basically formed, and its multiple The second mutation occurred in culture due to the spread of Islam, so as to basically shape it.