日本国际协力事业团中国加强扩大免疫规划项目 ,2 0 0 1年 3~ 8月在山西、陕西、甘肃、宁夏和青海省 (自治区 )对县级计划免疫工作人员开展了安全注射的培训。培训前后分别进行了有关安全注射基本内容的测试。测试问题尽管是极其基本的重要内容 ,但培训前测试的正确率仅为 35 %~ 5 7%。培训后测试的正确率上升到 74 %~98%。上述结果表明 ,不仅对乡村医生 ,对县级计划免疫工作人员同样有必要进行安全注射基本内容的培训。对县级计划免疫工作人员实施培训时 ,往往注重新的内容或更专业的内容的培训 ,但不能忽视基本内容的培训。
Japan’s International Cooperation Agency China has stepped up its immunization program and conducted safety injections training for county-level immunization workers in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai provinces (autonomous regions) from March to August 2001. Before and after training were carried out on the basic contents of safety injection test. Although the test is an extremely basic and important issue, the correct rate of pre-training tests is only 35% ~ 57%. The correct rate of testing after training rose to 74% ~ 98%. The above results show that it is not only necessary for rural doctors to train the county-level immunization workers on the basic content of safety injections. Training of county-level program immunization workers tends to focus on training new or more professional content, but training on basic content should not be overlooked.