【摘 要】
The winter wheat field straw mulching was conducted. Compared with the unmulched field, the straw mulching could alter turbulent heat exchange, evaporative heat
【机 构】
The winter wheat field straw mulching was conducted. Compared with the unmulched field, the straw mulching could alter turbulent heat exchange, evaporative heat loss and soil heat fluxes, and improve the temperature and humidity of air close to the ground as well as play a active role in water-saving and soil moisture retention, thus provided better microclimatic conditions for the growth and development of winter wheat.
Compared with the unmulched field, the straw mulching could alter turbulent heat exchange, evaporative heat loss and soil heat fluxes, and improve the temperature and humidity of air close to the ground as well as play a active role in water-saving and soil moisture retention, thus provided better microclimatic conditions for the growth and development of winter wheat.
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