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国有企业的全民性质决定了公民对国有企业拥有知情权与监督权,国有企业有义务主动回应社会关切问题,接受公众监督。本文设计了非上市国有企业信息透明度评价指标体系,并应用于省级及计划单列市等直管企业信息透明度的评价实践。通过对868家地方非上市国有企业2014年、2015年度透明度评价指数的分析发现,我国地方非上市国有企业信息透明度很低,地区和企业间的差异显著。从表面看,造成这一现状的原因是制度缺失,但“政企不分”的制度遗产可能难辞其咎;国有企业监管机构的多重角色也是非上市国有企业信息公开困难迟缓的体制性原因。因此,必须通过立法建章增强透明度,实现国有企业的有效治理。 The universal nature of state-owned enterprises determines that citizens have the right to know and supervise over state-owned enterprises. State-owned enterprises are obligated to take the initiative to respond to social concerns and receive public scrutiny. This paper designs the index system of information transparency of non-listed state-owned enterprises, and applies it to the evaluation of information transparency of provincial-level and single-listed cities. Through the analysis of the transparency index of 868 local non-listed state-owned enterprises in 2014 and 2015, we find that the information transparency of local non-listed state-owned enterprises in our country is very low and the difference between regions and enterprises is significant. On the surface, the reason for this status quo is the absence of the system, but the legacy of the “system of government and enterprises” may be at fault; the multiple roles of state-owned regulators are also a difficult and slow system for disclosing information to non-listed state-owned enterprises Sexual reasons. Therefore, we must strengthen the transparency through legislation and establish the effective governance of state-owned enterprises.
非经常性损益是指公司发生的与经营业务无直接关系,以及虽与经营业务相关,但由于其性质、金额或发生频率等影响了真实、公允地反映公司正常盈利能力的各项收入和支出。非经常性损益对于上市公司剥离不良资产,改善企业产业结构,发挥证券市场资源配置功能起到了重要的作用。但是也有许多上市公司利用非经常性损益进行盈余操纵。    一、上市公司利用非经常性损益调节利润的动机    按照中国证监会的规定:企业首次申请发行