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按照一般人的理解,“抗美援朝”军邮封,应是于抗美援朝期间由朝鲜寄出的军人、军事免费邮件,且大都是只盖一枚邮戳,仅经过一次寄递的。但笔者所收藏的这枚“抗美援朝”军邮封(图1),却是盖有红、蓝两枚军邮戳,及一枚收寄戳、两枚落地戳,还贴有一枚面值8分普票的中国人民志愿军军邮封。 According to the understanding of the average person, the “Military Rescue and Aid Korea” stamp should be a military mail sent by the DPRK during the War to Resist USMAL Aid and the military free of charge. Most of them are only postmarked and only delivered once. However, this collection of “anti-US aid Korea” military mail seal (Figure 1), but it is covered with red and blue two military postmark, and a receipt, two landing stamp, also affixed a face value of 8 points The Chinese People’s Volunteers Army general mail stamp.
故友:  也许是上天的安排,也许是冥冥之中的定数,我们就这样陌路而行。只是心底总忍不住可惜——可惜我和你有缘无分,再没机会做挚友。  你曾说,你这辈子最大的幸运就是能遇见我,结交了我这么个好朋友,你一定会好好珍惜这段友谊。  我曾说,时光不老,我们不散,我们要做一辈子的好朋友。  只是,很久之后我们才懂得,时光它太虚弱了,背负不起这份承诺的重量。于是它把一切都抛弃了,自此它的脚步从容轻盈,而你我之