Development of a physiologically relevant dripping analytical method using simulated nasal mucus for

来源 :药物分析学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pan07631014
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Current methods for nasal spray formulations have been elementary evaluating the dripping char-acteristics of a formulation and have not assessed the behavior of the nasal formulation in the presence of varying types of mucus depending on the indication or diseased state. This research investigated the effects of nasal mucus on the dripping behavior of nasal formulations and focused on developing an improved in vitro analytical test method that is more physiologically relevant in characterizing nasal formulation dripping behavior. Method development was performed using simulated nasal mucus preparations for both healthy and diseased states as coatings for the dripping experiment representing a wide range of viscosity. Factors evaluated during development of this in vitro test method included amount of mucus, application of mucus, drying times, and compatibility of the mucus on a C18 Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) substrate. The dripping behavior of nasal formulations containing a range of 1%Avicel to 3.5%Avicel was assessed by actuating the nasal spray on a perpendicular TLC plate coated with either healthy or diseased simulated nasal mucus. After actuation of the nasal spray, the dripping of the formulation on the coated TLC plate was measured after the plate was repositioned vertically. The method that was developed generated reproducible results on the dripping behavior of nasal formula-tions and provided critical information about the compatibility of the formulation with the nasal mucus for different diseased states, aiding in nasal spray formulation development and physical characterization of the nasal spray.
Drug resistance is becoming a great problem in developing countries due to excessive use and misuse of antibi-otics.The emergence of new pathogenic strains with
1例80岁男性COPD急性加重患者因失眠、多梦给予阿米替林25 mg口服,2次/d。5 d后,患者睡眠障碍无改善,出现幻觉、幻听,加用艾司唑仑1 mg、每晚口服。2周后,患者仍多梦、夜间亢奋,艾司唑仑加量至每晚2 mg口服。2 d后,患者出现嗜睡,实验室查血清葡萄糖6.2 mmol/L,血钾6.6 mmol/L。约1 h后患者呼吸、心跳突然停止。立即行胸外心脏按压并静脉注射尼可刹米和肾上腺素。抢救
目的 探讨糖尿病患者经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术与膀胱部分切除术的疗效.方法 选择2016年9月~ 2018年9月间我科收治的糖尿病合并膀胱肿瘤患者44例,随机分为2组各22例,观察组采用经
1例33岁男性为壮阳自行饮用生何首乌泡酒(生何首乌500 g+40%白酒1 000 ml)50 ml/d。约4周后出现腹胀,6周后出现尿黄,7周后出现皮肤瘙痒、纳差伴乏力,自行停饮该酒。停止饮酒后1周实验室检查示ALT 1 406 U/L,AST 546 U/L,γ-GT 203 U/L,TBil 204.0 μmol/L,DBil 159.6 μmol/L,ALP 195 U/L,总胆汁酸(TB