迎接抗日战争胜利纪念日 坚决与美帝国主义作斗争

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六年前——一九四五年九月二日,日本向中、蘇、美、英四国及其他实際對日作戰的盟國正式簽立降书,結束了自一九三一年九月十八日以来,绵延達十四年之久,日帝荼毒蹂躪中國人民與亞澳各國人民的侵略戰爭。如再推前說,則是結束了自一八九四年以來,日帝國主義對中國人民長途五十年的侵略。中國人民遭受日本帝國主義長期殘暴侵略,犧牲了巨量生命財產。其中從一九三七年至一九四五年日本發動全面侵略戰爭的八年,中國人民犧牲生命者在一千萬人以上,損失財產總值超過五百億美元。殘暴的日本帝國主義侵略者對中國人民的屠殺、燒掠、搶劫、姦淫、毒害、凌辱,從沿海到內地,從東北到西南,男女老幼,血琳淋的仇恨,說不完数不盡。但是由於有了中國共產黨和毛澤東主席的堅強領導,我國人民經過了八年的偉大抗戰,並取得蘇聯出兵東北的援助,終於把卑鄙殘暴,窮兇極惡的日本帝团主義打敗了。從此以後,帝國主義侵略者再也不能在中國的土地上横行;我們中國人民再也不畏懼帝國主義來侵略我們了。回憶八年抗戰的歷史,我們不但要永遠痛恨帝國主義的侵略,而且要蔑視任何敢於再來侵略我们的帝國主義者。 Six years ago - on September 2, 1945, Japan formally signed the book of arms reduction to the four allies of China, the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and other countries that actually fought against Japan. It ended from September 1931 Since the 18th, it has lasted for fourteen years and the Japanese imperialists have poisoned the wars of aggression waged by the Chinese people and the peoples of Asia and Australia. As we said before, it is an end to the Japanese imperialist aggression against the Chinese people for a distance of 50 years since 1894. The Chinese people have suffered protracted and brutal Japanese aggression by Japanese imperialism and sacrificed huge amounts of life and property. In the eight years from 1937 to 1945 when Japan launched the all-out aggressive war, the Chinese people sacrificed their lives at more than 10 million and the total loss of property exceeded 50 billion U.S. dollars. The brutal Japanese imperialist aggressors have said endlessly about the Chinese people’s killing, looting, robbery, rape, poisoning, humiliation, hatred from the coast to the interior, from northeast to southwest, men, women and children, and blood. . However, thanks to the strong leadership of the CPC and Chairman Mao Zedong, our people, after eight years of great war of resistance and assistance from the Soviet Union in sending troops to the northeast, finally defeated the despicable cruel and the most heinous Japanese imperialist rule. From that moment on, the imperialist invaders will no longer be able to run rampant in China’s land; we Chinese people will no longer fear the imperialists to invade us. Recalling the history of the eight-year war of resistance, we must not only hate imperialist aggression forever, but also defy any imperialist who dares to invade us again.
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