目的 :探索治喘贴对哮喘患儿发作期嗜酸粒细胞 (EOS)凋亡及对白介素 5 (IL 5 )的调节作用。方法 :将哮喘患儿随机分为治喘贴组 (治疗组 )和代温灸膏组 (对照组 ) ,外贴穴位治疗 7日 ,取治疗前后血及痰液 ,采用双抗体夹心免疫法 (EL ISA)分别测定血和痰液中 EOS及 IL 5含量。结果 :哮喘发作期患儿治疗后血和痰液中 EOS和 IL 5含量均低于治疗前 (P均 <0 .0 1) ;治疗组患儿治疗后 EOS和 IL 5均明显低于对照组治疗后 (P均 <0 .0 1)。结论 :治喘贴能促进哮喘发作期患儿体内 EOS凋亡 ,降低 IL 5水平 ,从而改善哮喘患儿气道炎症引起的气道高反应
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of Zhichuan Paste on eosinophil (EOS) apoptosis and interleukin-5 (IL-5) in children with asthma. Methods: Children with asthma were randomly divided into Zhichuan paste group (treated group) and Daiwen moxibustion cream group (control group), treated with acupoints for 7 days, and blood and sputum were taken before and after treatment. ISA) were measured in blood and sputum EOS and IL 5 content. Results: The levels of EOS and IL-5 in blood and sputum after asthma attack were lower than those before treatment (all P <0.01). EOS and IL-5 in children in treatment group were significantly lower than those in control group After treatment (all P <0.01). Conclusion: Zhichuang paste can promote EOS apoptosis in children with asthma attack and reduce the level of IL-5, so as to improve airway hyperresponsiveness induced by airway inflammation in children with asthma