目前非淋巴细胞白血病(ANLL)(除M3型外)的疗效尚未令人满意,无论是化疗,还是造血干细胞移植,其最好的5 a无病生存率(EFS)为55%~65%。理想的治疗方案仍在探索中,根据作者有限的经验,以超大剂量阿糖胞苷(SHD-Ara-C)为主的诱导后化疗方案有可能是治疗小儿ANLL最有效的化疗方案之一。作者所在单位用SHD-Ara-C单药对15例ANLL患儿进行诱导后治疗,取得较好的治疗效果。现介绍小儿ANLL的诊治现状与展望。
The current efficacy of non-lymphoid leukemia (ANLL) (except for type M3) is not yet satisfactory, with the best 5-year disease-free survival (EFS) of 55% to 65% for both chemotherapy and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The ideal therapeutic regimen is still under exploration. Based on the limited experience of the authors, induction chemotherapy with super-high dose of cytarabine (SHD-Ara-C) may be one of the most effective chemotherapy regimens for the treatment of children with ANLL. The author’s unit of SHD-Ara-C single drug in 15 cases of ANLL children after induction therapy, and achieved good results. Now introduce the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric ANLL status and prospects.