世界屋脊西藏,神秘的雪域高原,这里海拔4500米以上,空气含氧量不足平原地区的一半。 48年前,青海土皇帝马步芳派两个骑兵团进藏掠夺金银珠宝,途中遇暴风雪袭击全军覆没,无一生还。美国作家斯诺说:当你去这片高原寻找真实时,可能不幸找到死亡。如果去的是12个人,能回来的可能只有两个。 然而,为建设和巩固西藏边防,1968年,我军的一批女兵却闯进了这片“死亡雪域”。她们用年轻的生命和大自然展开了殊死搏斗,以含辛茹苦、殚精竭虑的非凡人生,铸造了共和国的边关军魂。
Roof of the world Tibet, the mysterious snow-covered plateau, where elevation of 4,500 meters above the air less than half of the oxygen content of the plain. 48 years ago, the emperor of Qinghai Province, Ma Bufang sent two cavalry regiments into Tibet to plunder gold and silver jewels. There was a snowstorm attack on the way and no one survived. American writer Snow said: When you go to this plateau to find the real, may unfortunately find the death. If you go to 12 people, can come back only two. However, in order to build and consolidate the border control in Tibet, in 1968 a group of female soldiers of our armed forces broke into this piece of “dead snowy field.” They carried out desperate struggle with young life and nature, and molded the Republican border army spirit with extraordinary hardship and dedication extraordinary life.