文章指出 ,加入WTO后 ,高等教育成为我国教育服务市场的主体 ,其中民族高等教育将受到较大的影响。民族高等教育界应采取对策 ,重视培养少数民族大学生的全球意识和国际交往素质 ;加强国际合作与交流 ,培养和建立有利于国际合作与交流的师资队伍和各项制度 ;努力学习外国高等教育的办学经验 ,实现民族院校的跨越式发展 ;加强思想政治工作 ,抵御进一步开放后西方敌对势力的“西化”与“分化”图谋等
The article points out that after joining the WTO, higher education has become the mainstay of China’s education service market, of which higher education for nationalities will be greatly affected. The national higher education sector should take countermeasures to attach importance to cultivating the global awareness and quality of international exchanges among ethnic minority college students; strengthening international cooperation and exchanges; fostering and establishing faculty and various faculties conducive to international cooperation and exchange; and striving to learn from foreign higher education To carry out the experience of running schools and realize the leapfrog development of ethnic colleges and universities; to strengthen ideological and political work and to resist the attempts of “Westernization” and “division” of Western hostile forces after further opening up