ACC Secretary-General Attended the 2015 International Ocean Forum and the 5th Ministerial Forum on M

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  On 6 November 2015, the 10th World Ocean Week (WOW) was launched in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The 2015 International Ocean Forum and the 5th Ministerial Forum on Marine Sustainable Development for Developing Countries, as the major activities of the 10th WOW under the theme of “Jointly Building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Marine Cooperation among China, ASEAN Countries and other Developing Countries”, were held on the same day. The Week was hosted by the Ministry of Commerce, State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the WOW Organizing Committee, and co-organized by ASEAN-China Centre (ACC). ACC Secretary-General H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping attended the Week and delivered the opening remarks. Around 200 people, including officials from SOA, National Development and Reform Commission, Fujian Provincial Government and Xiamen Municipal Government, officials and experts from Bahamas, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam, representatives from UNDP, Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia, and other international organizations, as well as scholars and representatives from the relevant industries attended the Forum.

  Mr. Wang Hong, Administrator of SOA, commended that the World Ocean Week in Xiamen had become an influential forum for international maritime cooperation. In 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the proposal of jointly building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and received wide support from the countries along the Maritime Silk Road. It had become a common goal for the relevant countries to build a cooperative and mutual beneficial community with common destiny. In recent years, SOA had actively catered to the needs of the countries along the Maritime Silk Road, conducted exchanges and cooperation in the fields of ocean forecast, building of shipping channels, ocean disaster prevention and relief with countries of Southeast Asia, South Asia, South Europe, Africa, South Pacific Ocean, and established a series of maritime cooperation platforms. Marine economy was the new growth point and one of the major areas for international cooperation. China is willing to share the experiences on port infrastructure building, port industrial park building, innovative marine industries, etc., and carry out mutual beneficial functional cooperation to promote economic growth of the countries along the Maritime Silk Road.
  Mr. Zhang Zhinan, Vice Governor of Fujian Province, indicated that Fujian is one of the starting points of the Maritime Silk Road, while Quanzhou, Xiamen and Zhangzhou are important ports of the Road. In recent years, Fujian Province had been actively involved in the building of the “Belt and Road”, stepped up the construction of a strong marine province and steadily pushed forward the building of Fujian Strait Blue Economic Experimental Zone. Fujian had made constant progress in the fields of ocean fishery, ocean pharmaceutic industry, cruise and yacht economy, hi-end equipments manufacture, etc. This year’s World Ocean Week had distinctive characteristics of ASEAN, participation of enterprises and industrial cooperation, and would further promote ASEAN-China maritime cooperation. He expected that relevant countries could take this opportunity to push forward the building of ChinaASEAN Marine Cooperation Centre and make new contribution to deepen ASEAN-China maritime functional cooperation.   Secretary-General Yang warmly congratulated the opening of the World Ocean Week. She commended that the World Ocean Week in Xiamen had been successfully held for nine times up to this year. With its influence and scale kept on expanding, the World Ocean Week had become a very important platform for strengthening maritime cooperation, and promote maritime cultural exchanges. Jointly building the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and related cooperation would inject new impetus to the common development of the countries. She emphasized that maritime cooperation is an important component of ASEANChina cooperation. ASEAN and China had conducted cooperation in maritime climate change, maritime environment and eco-system protection, maritime disaster prevention and mitigation, and achieved fruitful results. The year 2015 is designated as the ASEAN-China Maritime Cooperation Year, during which the two sides have intensified their maritime functional cooperation.
  Secretary-General Yang hoped both sides should seize this opportunity, and jointly build the silk road through consultation to meet the interests of all. Efforts should be made to integrate the development strategies of China and ASEAN countries, and achieve the goal of mutual benefit. She put forward suggestions, including enhancing policy coordination, promoting maritime production capacity cooperation, highly valuing the marine ecological civilization, and strengthening the maritime peopleto-people exchanges, etc. The ASEAN Community would be the first subregional Community in Asia’s history, which was remarkable in the process of deepening regional economic integration. Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations. ASEAN-China cooperation is having great opportunities ahead. All concerned parties should make joint efforts to make maritime functional cooperation a new highlight in ASEANChina relations. ACC is willing to cooperate with all sides to promote ASEAN-China maritime functional cooperation, and make its own contribution to the jointly building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
  At the Forum, Secretary-General Yang received interviews from Xiamen TV, Xiamen Daily and other major local media.
马来西亚马中友好协会作为一个非政府组织,一直以来都致力于促进中马两国人民之间的友好往来。协会现任会长拿督马吉德曾任马来西亚驻华大使,与中国结缘已久。日前拿督马吉德接受了本刊记者的专访,采访中他分享了自己的中国情结和他对当前中国与马来西亚贸易往来的见解,表达了他“愿做马中友好使者,推动马中贸易往来”的美好愿望。  :作为马中友好协会的会长,您对中国有着怎样的情结?对您来说,中国意味着什么?  拿督马
海鸥集团是马来西亚最早引入中医药、与中国开展中医药合作的企业,在20世纪90年代就与中国的中药行业巨头同仁堂开展了合作。这不仅促使海鸥集团在中国大陆成功亮相,推动了中马两国中医药合作的发展,并且为日后促进马中友好往来埋下了伏笔。  日前,马来西亚马中友好协会秘书长、海鸥集团董事长陈凯希接受了本刊记者的专访。陈凯希董事长不仅畅谈自己经商的历程,分享推动中马友好往来的心路,还表达了自己关于公益事业的观
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中国—东盟关系以1991年为分水岭,历经了由远及近,紧密合作的过程。从建立全面对话框架,确立睦邻互信伙伴关系到2003年确立战略伙伴关系,中国—东盟双边合作取得了巨大成果,正迈入全新的“钻石十年”。  第12届东博会期间,中国外交部副部长刘振民接受了本刊记者的采访,采访中刘振民回顾了中国—东盟外交关系的发展历程,展望了未来双方合作的前景,并表示无论国际环境如何风云变幻,睦邻友好、和平发展始终是中国
2015年,第12届东博会在中国南宁如期举行。中国—东盟中心秘书长杨秀萍出席了本届盛会,并就“一带一路”、中国—东盟关系、东博会等相关问题接受了媒体记者采访。  “一带一路”:合作的“交响乐”  :2015年是中国提出的“一带一路”倡议全方位务实推进的一年。您对“一带一路”是如何理解的呢?  杨秀萍:“一带一路”倡议从2013年提出到现在,已经是第三个年头,但是我认为“一带一路”的建设没有时间表,
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