
来源 :茶叶经济信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gold704
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如果问什么类型的茶与台湾茶产业联系最为紧密,肯定大部分人会回答乌龙茶——最典型的半发酵茶。而世界上最广泛饮用的红茶,就台湾红茶来说,在国际上并没有什么名气。事实上,在十年前,红茶是台湾的主要出口茶类。如今正逐步得到复苏。鱼池乡农委会茶叶改良场的黄成春介绍说,如 If you ask what type of tea is most closely linked to the Taiwanese tea industry, most people will surely answer the oolong tea, the most typical semi-fermented tea. The most widely used black tea in the world is not known internationally for Taiwan black tea. In fact, black tea was the major export tea of ​​Taiwan ten years ago. It is gradually recovering. Yuchi Township Council of Agriculture Tea Improvement Field Huang Chengchun said, such as